
Sunday, April 18, 2010


MON pm (after work): Bike ride of at least 30km, (either 2 big river laps or to beach and back).

TUE pm (after work): Body Pump class (1 hour)

WED pm (after work): run, 9.5km outdoors, Weather permitting a 30 min treadmill run as far as poss)

THURS: (either before or after work): 20 min resistance workout covering sets of pushups, - as many as poss on toes before dropping to knees followed by plank, lunges, tricep dips, crunches.

FRI pm: (late arvo after work): swim at pool, - focussing on freestyle technique covering at least a km

SAT am: Reasonably early start, (by 8am) and bikeride up to BF's, - nearly 30km. Half hour run around Perth Hills on arrival at BF's before showering or doing anything else.

SUN: - ANZAC day. Day off. I can save Sat's 5km run till today IF I manage to resist alcohol at the ANZAC Sunday brekkie. But safer I get run outta way on Sat. Failing that I could do a flat 5km run on Thurs evening.

No times to be recorded week one. This week is all about maintaining discipline for actually doing what I set out to do. I have an extra cycle in for week one as I wanna get to beach tomorrow! Of course this is in conjunction to normal everyday activity.

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