Howdy team!
Firstly I will say that I still feel some back strain.........enough that I'm aware it's there, particularly if on feet for too long or bending in various positions. However I feel it's lessened a bit since early/mid last week. In all fairness this back pain isn't diabolical, (however that is spelt) but a bit annoying and I have a fear about aggrevating back pain.
Also I'm on a budget and as ya know if ya visit a doc, they seem to refer to to either a physio, osetopath or similar and order you to have x-rays somewhere else, then there are recommended follow up visits and the end result is many hundred $$$ spent if not more! If I was in total severe pain and couldn't move..........there would be less choice. But for me I'm doing stretches, carrying on as norm etc.
Today I decided on my first run for a week. Did a 5.3km hilly outdoor run and while I felt my back, nothing abnormal etc was felt. I didn't time myself and pace felt about norm for now. I could pick up the speed somewhat when wanted. Came back and did many core exercises and stretches and tried on the pushups. First set on toes I only managed 10 but on the second set I pushed out 15 consecutive! As a couple of weeks ago I managed 20, I want that to be a regular thing and now to work on going lower and absolute top controlled form! The plank make my strain feel the stretch I think but in a good way!
I weighed in today, - result was 73.2kg. Am alright with that for now as while last week was totally/active/busy at work I seemed to make excuses up and get into the mindset to eat muffin scraps, chocolate bars, skinny mochas instead of skinny flat whites and a bit more cheese than norm and tried a couple of crusty new white bread rolls as they came with fillings for a couple of lunches instead of my home lunch or 'doughed out crusty multigrain roll'. The day of BF's party I got down to 72.0kg, (ok actually 2 reads of 71.9 and one of 72.1kg, - it all depends on how scales are positioned on tiles!) Party leftovers and a bit of slackness occupied the first week, back injury last week and dietary disorganisation! No big bingeing, just less than desirable habits started coming to the forefront! This morn I also felt as if I could have gone for a number 2 but not quite.............2 weeks ago I felt rather starved at the morning weigh in due to not wanting to mess up the kitchen the previous night after sorting for BF's party, (so tea apple and a small 95g tin tuna).
However still need to organise training schedule, - will get that up tomorrow. At this stage think back is on the mend and strain should leave soon :-)
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