
Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Of my latest little challenge it's late Tuesday evening, (23/3/10). Tomorrow, Wednesday I will hit CREDIT and be out of my little current debt situation regarding day to day doings. I won't pay off all the debt tomorrow because I don't want to break my small consistent steady savings fund/habit toward my birthday party. HOWEVER just after midnight I will be in CREDIT and if I keep my expenditures to less than $188 I will still be in CREDIT at the end of this pay week. Am aiming to keep expenditure under $100.
In a fortnight tomorrow I aim to have the debt completely cleared and still remain on track with my little savings plan toward my 30th birthday party.

The storm hit Perth yesterday. While that was happening I was training hard in apartment gym with the door open listening to the storm and rain which was louder than my music! I had a huge session too, did the 30 min run as hard as I could followed by stretches/de-puffing and was drenched in sweat. Then did a challenging resistance workout that would have lasted at least 20 mins!

Weight this morning was spot on 70.0kg or 154lb. Yesterday morn I saw a 69.8 but I guess I did hydrate with lots of water after my later hard training session last night LOL! Either way I'm getting close to goal, toning up OK, have no impossible rules, know I look lots leaner than I did, am fitter than I was so any improvement now is a bonus! I just don't wanna go backwards again and allow myself to gain a heap of weight in a small timeframe. If from 30 beyond I massively continue to yo-yo in weight I really think I may become too saggy too soon unless I'm really hard on myself. Therefore I'm not out to try Hydroxycut Hardcore or similar and lots of supplements, tweak my eating, meal balance and timing to 'so called perfect' and pay a personal trainer BIG time in an attempt to get a six pack. To me now the thought of that is too expensive and un-maintainable. If I ever did come close from that type of regime I think if I start eating low GI carbs and fruit again and stop the supps etc I'd be more likely to puff up big time.

So while I'd like to tone/lean up a bit more, (particularly stomach/waist) I am becoming more pleased at where I am and with good effort would now feel satisfied averaging a few hundred grams lost every couple of weeks! That being said though I am feeling revved to put in a good but liveable effort at the moment though and any quicker results in fatloss or fitness gain are even better!

(Not liveable is say training 9 hours a day or eating a type of diet we wouldn't feel good about attempting to maintain/live by long term)

(Liveable is about 5 training sessions a week varying from 30 mins up to over an hour (for some runs or rides), - most of them intense aiming to build or maintain a fitness level). And seriously I'm not that strict about food at all. I average about 1500 cals a day when I do a rough mental calculation but could be anywhere from 1200-2000 cals a day depending on hunger, activity done etc. I don't think of food so much as 'good or bad', - it can be a variation of both. An example is a 650ml Boost Juice Raspberry Ripe smoothie is a pleasureable indulgence at the moment. I've read it's about 600 cals, know it's full of sugar. But it also contains fruit, calcium, protein. I may have it once a week for brekkie, but would then watch my sugar intake over day, may aim for a 400 cal lunch, 200 cal snack and a 300 cal evening meal, say grilled chicken or fish with garden salad. Luckily I'm active and on the go all day too. I guess I roughly watch nutrient balance over course of time a bit and aim at this stage to have good nutrition over at least 80% of cals consumed. Am watching my intake of processed foods and am looking at ways to lower it.

Still haven't had a drink..........day 38.

Pip :-)


Teresa said...

You are making excellent head way on all fronts. Congrats on your debt situation you are almost done with that. 154 way to go!!! Please be very careful about taking supplements some of them are very dangerous. You are doing great without them. Take care and keep up the wonderful work.

Magda said...

Hey Pip, BIG CONGRATS on your non-drinking record. I once hit 11 days and thought that was a massive achievement LOL. In fact you're making runs all over. Well done!!

