
Thursday, May 12, 2011



Am just doing a late evening quick report again lol!

Firstly I had what I considered an awesome training session on Monday. After a busy work day I did my 9.1km outdoor hilly run. That includes hills all the way, - some down, some downward steps but lots of continuous uphill. Completion time was just on 51 mins which I was super stoked with!

Work is hands on, active and busy as per norm!

HOWEVER, - due to slight disorganisation on Tuesday morning I was out the door 2-3 mins later than norm and felt uncomfortable about it. Maybe left the house at 5.47am rather than a more comfy 5.44am. I had my swimming gear backpack on back as well as my general handbag over shoulder. I decided to sprint to the bus stop incase the 'thing' was early lol!

Alas, - these surfaces are uneven, potholes and stones to navigate which I forgot about at that time of the day without coffee! So I turned on my ankle and luckily (only slightly sprained or rolled it). Crapola!! I did make it to the bus though but ran the rest of the way slower!

Ankle was an inconvenience at work that day. I googled light sprains/rolls later that evening and freaked out! A couple had told me...........all my hard work for nothing!

It feels slightly sensitive today and my cardio was a good swim session. But it's impoving and I feel confident of able to do next weeks 'Run for a Reason'.

Weight wise have hit the 66's and now sit around 147 lb! And torso is improving by the week/fortnight or so! Awesome! Getting and staying under 68 was always the main target I'd assigned myself and it's awesome to be there! 62kg was what I considered ultimation and it's unbelievable to note that I'm less than 5kg away from that! There is still a bit to go so I could do it. I still wanna keep up my resistance work though! Keeping active, some hardcore training, keeping away from most sugar, portion control over time seems to be doing it. Have now been 12 days under 68 and 24 days under the 70kg mark.

Talk soon,

Pip :-)

1 comment:

Gillian said...

Well done!!! You are doing so well. The saying 'success breeds success' is so true. Hope the ankle heals up quickly.