
Sunday, February 21, 2010


Hello all!

Well, sore back? Yep, yesterday evening I noticed my back being tender when I walked, sat, bent or anything. I can't think of injuring it at any particular moment, - and thinking 'OUCH'.

I was just cruising along going about my thing and thought....................my back is sore, wonder why. I went to bed etc last night, woke up and OUCH! Sore all the time. Getting outta bed took a number of mins. Walking was done very slowly and with each step, - 'ouch'. Bending or squatting takes lots of manouvering and grabbing of walls around me. Can't say I've ever had back pain like this and I don't know how I've done it!

My big bike ride out for a day therefore hasn't happened!

Last time I had a sore back was about 5 years ago and it lasted 2 days but it wasn't this bad.

I am supposed to be starting work in a new company store tomorrow so out of all days, this would be the most invonvenient time ever to have to take off.

Well, lets see! When others have on-going back issues I feel sorry for them and glad its not me.

Talk soon all!

Pip :-)


Miss Positive said...

Ouch, that doesn't sound like much fun... hope you feel better soon!

Hilary xx

Teresa said...

Oohhh sorry to hear you are suffering. I know all about back pain, hope you are feeling better soon.