2km TIME TRIAL..............Today as part of our group triathlon training course we had to run either a 1km or 2km time trial, - we could choose either 1 or 2km. We had to run up to an exact 500m disc thing inserted in concrete and back, (once or twice) so this was the exact distance. Many tri clubs and top runners etc use this area for time trials.
If doing the 2km we got our 1km 'split' time read out.
Of course I had the normal Monday 12km hilly bike ride to and from this outdoor training location after work, then a warm up jog, stretching, running drills then this time trial.
My 'off top of head' goal was hopefully under 12 minutes for the 2km, anything around 12 mins would be reasonable and the more under the better!
WELL I was totally stoked with my first km split time being 4:55!!!
I did slow down in the second km, particularly the final 500m but still finished the 2km in 10:19!
We were told before the 2km trial to aim to not slow down in the 2nd km, instead make it quicker than the first. However, - am pleased with that time at this stage! However I was totally totally buggered at the end, - if I had to do another couple of km I would have slowed to a slow jog!! I felt at the end like I do after an intense run or after if I gave my 'all' in the beep test!
I am still one of the slower runners here but, (a few behind me) but many way way ahead, everyone is rather fit!!!. My goal for the 2km time trial at end of the course now is under 9 minutes I've decided. Gotta aim high, - under 4:30 splits for 2kms!!! YEEHAA!
Other new skill I'm mastering is cycling for a few seconds taking my hands off the handlebars for a few revolutions. I can even cross them sometimes on flat paths for a couple of seconds!!! I'd always wanted to do that for some weird reason as I think it looks cool seeing cyclists casually cycling along with their arms folded! As part of my 'cycle skills' course were were encouraged to try cycling with just the balance of one or two fingers, (in attempts to loosen our grips etc) as well as spinning/weaving techniques etc.
I think I made it a good 12-15 secs with arms off handlebars with them crossed maybe 5 secs a few times while turning the wheels on the journey home from the running session, backpack on back and all. If I fall over and stack it badly I may give up on this, but it's fun seeing this skill improve, with staying balanced while not touching the handlebars for a bit!
Best get going!
Happy Australia Day tomorrow everyone! Sleep in on agenda, - yay! Then cleaning and bikeriding!
Talk soon!
Pip :-)